Spiritual Coaching:

For Overworked Professionals

Are you an overworked professionals aged 35 or older?

Feeling overwhelmed with the constant juggle of balancing work and personal

life demands?

Want to transform stress and dissatisfaction into purpose and fulfilment?

Looking to incorporate the calm and tranquillity that a spiritual lifestyle can


If you answered yes to any of these questions, Tranquil Guide is the service for you. Offering a unique blend of spiritual, mindfulness, and embodiment techniques—including Reiki, crystal healing, meditation, breathwork, and hypnotherapy—to help you reconnect with harmony and discover your deeper purpose. Each package is bespoke, to address your unique challenges and

goals. Integrating intuitive techniques with practical strategies, enhancing not only your professional performance but also enriching your personal life for a more holistic and fulfilling overall experience.

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Explore our “Services” and “Testimonials” sections.

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Let Tranquil Guide transform your stress and dissatisfaction into harmony, fulfillment, and joy. Interested in a Free Guide click the button below to start cultivating this life now.

What Does The Service Include?

Spiritual Techniques For Stress Reduction

A unique blend of coaching, mindfulness, embodiment and stress reduction strategies achieving mental clarity for improved overall well-being for your personal and professional life. Saying goodbye to overwhelm or stress and letting in calm and fulfilment.

Additional information in services section.


Reiki, meditation, breathwork and other useful spiritual practices for individuals looking to bring more harmony into everyday life. Enhancing clarity and providing spiritual insight to assist with personal and professional empowerment and growth.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your


Utilising the science of hypnotherapy to delve deeper into your limiting beliefs and shift those mindsets positively, as well as employing the technique to transform other areas of your life as desired swapping the negative for positives.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your consultation.

About Tranquil Guide

Ms Tarina Ganger;
CPD Life Coach; CPD Hypnotherapy; USUI Reiki; BA Hons Sociology; Newson Health "Confidence in the Menopause";

Tranquil Guide has always thrived within the coaching sphere, constantly evolving to ignite passion and personal experience. Life's journey has equipped her with a wealth of knowledge and skills, pulled from juggling chronic pain and fatigue, and managing single parenthood, work, and other commitments.

Despite these challenges, Tranquil Guide has always loved her work. Moments of frustration and unfulfillment were seen as intuitive signals to pivot towards more aligned roles. Embracing transitions, she faced her own limiting beliefs and fear of the unknown, ultimately recognising the importance of following one's inner voice for true fulfilment.

Now, Tranquil Guide utilises her life lessons to bring joy and fulfilment to others, helping change mindsets, enabling positive transitions, and opening up new possibilities. Life doesn’t have to be stressful and overwhelming; it’s possible to find tranquillity between work and play while challenging ourselves to grow into the best versions of ourselves.

For proof, check out the testimonials that demonstrate this perfectly.

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Balancing mindfulness and work

Finding Clarity in Work-Life Harmony: 5 Easy Steps to Personal Fulfilment

July 25, 202411 min read


Achieving work-life harmony is a goal many strive for but often struggle to attain. We know we want it, but we don’t actually know what it is or how it applies to us.

Like any goal, it is important to be specific about what we want and why we want it so that we can start investigating how to achieve it. Understanding and integrating your unique personal circumstances is key to finding the right balance. In this blog, I provide you with five practical steps to help you gain more clarity, alongside a checklist of useful questions to ask yourself along the journey. This ensures you fully consider all aspects of your professional and personal life, cultivating overall well-being and fulfilment that align with your values. Enabling you to achieve the life you desire.

1. Self-Reflection and Awareness

The journey to work-life harmony begins with profound self-reflection. This process involves a deliberate and mindful evaluation of your priorities, values, and the elements that truly matter to you in life. Set aside dedicated time to delve deeply into your inner world and consider the following questions:

What Are My Core Values?

Identify the principles that you hold most dear. Reflect on how these values influence your decisions and actions both in your professional and personal realms. Which Values Do I Hold Most Dear, and How Do They Align with My Current Work and Personal Life?

Examine the values that resonate with you the most. Assess how your daily activities and overall lifestyle reflect or contradict these values. Understanding this alignment or misalignment can provide critical insights for necessary adjustments. 

What Are My Top Priorities in Life?

Determine the aspects of life that rank highest in importance to you. These might include family, career, health, personal growth, or social connections. Knowing your top priorities helps in setting boundaries and making choices that nurture these vital areas.

What Activities and People Bring Me Joy and Fulfilment?

Identify the activities and relationships that enhance your life with joy, fulfilment, and positivity. Integrating these activities and nurturing these relationships more frequently can lead to a balanced and enriched life.

Where Do I Feel the Most Stress, and Why?

Pinpoint the sources of your greatest stress and reflect on the underlying reasons. Understanding the root causes of your stress can help in devising strategies to manage it effectively.

By gaining a deeper understanding of your needs, aspirations, and the intrinsic factors that give your life meaning, you can make more informed decisions that align with your values. This alignment is fundamental in crafting a harmonious balance between work and personal life, leading to a more fulfilling and content existence. It also means getting rid of anything that does not serve, align or bring you joy. This gives you extra time for the things that actually matter.

2. Setting Clear Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time is essential. This separation helps prevent burnout and ensures that each aspect of your life receives the attention it deserves. Here are a few tips and questions to ask yourself:

Do I designate specific times for work and personal activities? 

If no, then create physical spaces dedicated to work and relaxation.

If you are working from home, can you allocate a small space specifically for office space? 

Ideally this would be a space you can shut away till your next working day. Maybe use room dividers to define spaces or if you don’t have the space make sure you can pack away work completely until your next working day.

Do I have clear boundaries with colleagues and family members? 

Personally, I’ve been in situations where my colleagues have also been friends I socialise with outside of work. However it was clear once the working day was done, we didn’t discuss work. Similarly I’ve worked from home while my son has been home and he knows not to disturb me during this time unless it is an emergency.

Do you have clear boundaries with yourself? 

I have had to learn the hard way to set myself clear boundaries. For example I will take a screen break every hour for at least 10 mins to give my eyes a much needed rest; I will have lunch at a set time away from my work space so that I can actually enjoy my meal; I will finish work at a set time and then either engage in “me time activities” or family activities. But feel free to make these suit your needs, being realistic.

Clear boundaries help create a sense of structure and balance, allowing you to be fully present in each moment.

3. Prioritising Self-Care

Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time is essential for maintaining balance and preventing burnout. This deliberate separation ensures that each facet of your life receives the attention and energy it deserves. Here are a few comprehensive questions and tips to help you achieve this:

Do I set defined hours for work and stick to them? 

Establish a clear starting and ending time for your workday to prevent it from encroaching on your personal time. 

How can I allocate specific times for personal activities, hobbies, and self-care? 

This helps create a routine where both professional and personal commitments can flourish without overlap.

How can I create a physical space dedicated to work and a separate space for relaxation? 

We’ve discussed this earlier but it really is a vital point as it can enhance productivity if you have a space meant for relaxation to promote mental and emotional rejuvenation and another for work.

Do I encourage mutual respect for boundaries by minimising interruptions and maintaining a healthy work-life separation. Or do I need to communicate this more assertively?

By consciously establishing and adhering to these boundaries, you create a sense of structure and balance that allows you to be fully present in each moment. Clear boundaries not only enhance productivity and focus during work hours but also enable you to enjoy personal time without the looming pressure of work-related tasks. Ultimately, this separation fosters a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle where both work and personal life can coexist harmoniously.

cloudy, moody beach

4. Flexibility and Adaptability

Flexibility is key to managing the ever-changing demands of work and personal life. Being adaptable allows you to navigate unexpected challenges with resilience and grace, without feeling overwhelmed. Cultivating flexibility involves embracing change with a positive mindset and being prepared to adjust your plans as circumstances evolve. Here are some questions and practices that can help:

Have I set realistic goals and do I review these adjustments as required?

Start by setting achievable and realistic goals for both your personal and professional life. Priorities and situations can change, necessitating a shift in your objectives.

How often should I review?

Be prepared to regularly review and adjust your goals to reflect new developments or challenges. This dynamic approach ensures you remain focused on what is most important while allowing room for adaptation.

Do I embrace change and view it as an opportunity for growth, or do I shy away from it?

Change is an inevitable part of life, and embracing it can lead to personal and professional growth. Rather than resisting change, view it as an opportunity to learn, improve, and expand your horizons.

If change instils fear, how can we switch that emotion to enable the above benefits?

Alter your thought patterns and feelings associated with change. Being open to new experiences and perspectives can enhance your adaptability and lead to innovative solutions to challenges you may encounter.

Do I always strive for perfection?

Perfectionism can be a significant barrier to flexibility. Striving for perfection often leads to stress and disappointment, especially when faced with unforeseen changes.

Do I focus on progress?

Focusing on progress and incremental improvements can be more beneficial than striving for perfection. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and recognize that progress often involves trial and error. This mindset shift can alleviate pressure and promote a more balanced approach to your goals.

Do I celebrate all wins, including small ones?

By celebrating all wins, you acknowledge your achievements. This reflection can help put you in the right mindset for your next steps.

Do I foster a flexible mindset?

A flexible mindset can help create a more harmonious balance in your life. Adaptability allows you to respond to changes proactively, maintaining equilibrium between work and personal responsibilities. This balanced approach empowers you to handle life's unpredictabilities with confidence and poise, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and stress-free existence.

Do I focus too much on the setbacks?

Focusing excessively on setbacks can keep you stuck instead of propelling you forward. It's vital to acknowledge setbacks and understand why they happened to use them as learning opportunities. Framing setbacks as small wins can teach you what not to do in the future and help turn challenges into growth milestones.

5. Seeking Support and Building Connections

You don't have to navigate this journey alone. Seek support from mentors, colleagues, friends, and family members. For those who work solo, consider finding hot desking opportunities or working in environments where you can connect with others in similar situations.

Mixing your working environment—from working at home to booking a hot desk, working the library or even working from a café—can provide the variety you crave. Solopreneurship can be lonely, especially if you're accustomed to working as part of a team. Being in vibrant places with other solopreneurs not only allows you to meet others but also offers opportunities to gain from their experiences and bounce ideas around, even if you don't share the same expertise.

This environment also provides a great opportunity to find accountability partners, which can be very helpful when you need that extra push or motivation. In this digital age, you don’t even need to leave your home to benefit—accountability partners can easily be found via social media groups and online communities.

Building a robust support network offers encouragement, accountability, and diverse perspectives.


  • Joining professional groups or networks

  • Attending workshops and seminars on work-life balance

  • Sharing experiences and strategies with peers

Support and connection play a vital role in achieving work-life harmony.

Summary of Question List for Work-Life Harmony

  • What Are My Core Values?... Which values do I hold most dear, and how do they align with my current work and personal life?

  • What Are My Top Priorities? What aspects of my life (family, career, health, hobbies) am I currently prioritising, and are these priorities aligned with my desired outcomes?

  • What Activities Bring Me Joy and Fulfilment? What types of activities, tasks, or interactions make me feel happiest and most satisfied in both my professional and personal life?

  • Where Am I Experiencing the Most Stress? What areas or aspects of my life cause me the most stress, and what can I do to address and alleviate that stress?

  • How Do I Define Success? What does success look like for me personally and professionally, and do my current activities align with this definition?

  • Am I Making Time for Self-Care? How often do I engage in self-care practices, and what activities can I integrate into my routine to promote better self-care?

  • What Are My Non-Negotiables? What boundaries or elements in my life are non-negotiable and essential for my well-being and happiness?

  • How Do I Manage My Time? How effectively am I managing my time between work and personal life, and what strategies can I adopt to improve this balance?

  • What Are My Long-Term Goals? What are my long-term goals for my career and personal life, and how can I create a plan that aligns both for harmonious fulfilment?

  • Who Are My Support Systems? Who can I rely on for support and guidance, and how can I strengthen these relationships to better navigate the challenges of work-life balance?

  • What Changes Can I Make? What small changes can I implement immediately to improve my work-life harmony, and what larger shifts do I need to plan for?

  • How Can I Be More Present? In what ways can I be more present in my daily activities, whether at work or home, to ensure I am fully engaged in each moment?


By answering these questions honestly and thoughtfully, you'll gain valuable insights into what work-life harmony means for you.

This activity can clarify your pursuit of work-life harmony is a continuous process that requires mindful evaluation and proactive steps. By reflecting on your values, setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, embracing flexibility, and seeking support, you can create a balanced and fulfilling life. Start today, and embark on your journey toward achieving true work-life harmony.

If you're interested in achieving work-life harmony, sign up to access my free quick resource guide, which includes handy apps and other tools to help you on this journey.

For insights on cultivating the right mindset, check out my blog, "The Power of Mindset: 6 Ways to Incorporate Positive Change in Work and Personal Life."

I’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have. What resonates with you from this blog, and what are you eager to try next?

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Tranquil Guide

Spiritual Coach empowering overwhelmed professionals find calm in their work and personal life. Improving the quality of professional performance and enriching personal life without the juggle of stress.

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