Spiritual Coaching:

For Overworked Professionals

Are you an overworked professionals aged 35 or older?

Feeling overwhelmed with the constant juggle of balancing work and personal

life demands?

Want to transform stress and dissatisfaction into purpose and fulfilment?

Looking to incorporate the calm and tranquillity that a spiritual lifestyle can


If you answered yes to any of these questions, Tranquil Guide is the service for you. Offering a unique blend of spiritual, mindfulness, and embodiment techniques—including Reiki, crystal healing, meditation, breathwork, and hypnotherapy—to help you reconnect with harmony and discover your deeper purpose. Each package is bespoke, to address your unique challenges and

goals. Integrating intuitive techniques with practical strategies, enhancing not only your professional performance but also enriching your personal life for a more holistic and fulfilling overall experience.

Want to know more?

Explore our “Services” and “Testimonials” sections.

Interested in discussing further?

Use the calendar below to book a free discovery call or visit our “Contact”

page to reach out.

Let Tranquil Guide transform your stress and dissatisfaction into harmony, fulfillment, and joy. Interested in a Free Guide click the button below to start cultivating this life now.

What Does The Service Include?

Spiritual Techniques For Stress Reduction

A unique blend of coaching, mindfulness, embodiment and stress reduction strategies achieving mental clarity for improved overall well-being for your personal and professional life. Saying goodbye to overwhelm or stress and letting in calm and fulfilment.

Additional information in services section.


Reiki, meditation, breathwork and other useful spiritual practices for individuals looking to bring more harmony into everyday life. Enhancing clarity and providing spiritual insight to assist with personal and professional empowerment and growth.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your


Utilising the science of hypnotherapy to delve deeper into your limiting beliefs and shift those mindsets positively, as well as employing the technique to transform other areas of your life as desired swapping the negative for positives.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your consultation.

About Tranquil Guide

Ms Tarina Ganger;
CPD Life Coach; CPD Hypnotherapy; USUI Reiki; BA Hons Sociology; Newson Health "Confidence in the Menopause";

Tranquil Guide has always thrived within the coaching sphere, constantly evolving to ignite passion and personal experience. Life's journey has equipped her with a wealth of knowledge and skills, pulled from juggling chronic pain and fatigue, and managing single parenthood, work, and other commitments.

Despite these challenges, Tranquil Guide has always loved her work. Moments of frustration and unfulfillment were seen as intuitive signals to pivot towards more aligned roles. Embracing transitions, she faced her own limiting beliefs and fear of the unknown, ultimately recognising the importance of following one's inner voice for true fulfilment.

Now, Tranquil Guide utilises her life lessons to bring joy and fulfilment to others, helping change mindsets, enabling positive transitions, and opening up new possibilities. Life doesn’t have to be stressful and overwhelming; it’s possible to find tranquillity between work and play while challenging ourselves to grow into the best versions of ourselves.

For proof, check out the testimonials that demonstrate this perfectly.

Consultation Bookings

Please use the calendar to book your virtual Discovery Call. If the availability does not meet your needs please get in touch using the button below or the contact form above stating when would be a suitable time. Out of Hours appointments are available upon request. Thank you.

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