Spiritual Coaching:

For Overworked Professionals

Are you an overworked professionals aged 35 or older?

Feeling overwhelmed with the constant juggle of balancing work and personal

life demands?

Want to transform stress and dissatisfaction into purpose and fulfilment?

Looking to incorporate the calm and tranquillity that a spiritual lifestyle can


If you answered yes to any of these questions, Tranquil Guide is the service for you. Offering a unique blend of spiritual, mindfulness, and embodiment techniques—including Reiki, crystal healing, meditation, breathwork, and hypnotherapy—to help you reconnect with harmony and discover your deeper purpose. Each package is bespoke, to address your unique challenges and

goals. Integrating intuitive techniques with practical strategies, enhancing not only your professional performance but also enriching your personal life for a more holistic and fulfilling overall experience.

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Let Tranquil Guide transform your stress and dissatisfaction into harmony, fulfillment, and joy. Interested in a Free Guide click the button below to start cultivating this life now.

What Does The Service Include?

Spiritual Techniques For Stress Reduction

A unique blend of coaching, mindfulness, embodiment and stress reduction strategies achieving mental clarity for improved overall well-being for your personal and professional life. Saying goodbye to overwhelm or stress and letting in calm and fulfilment.

Additional information in services section.


Reiki, meditation, breathwork and other useful spiritual practices for individuals looking to bring more harmony into everyday life. Enhancing clarity and providing spiritual insight to assist with personal and professional empowerment and growth.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your


Utilising the science of hypnotherapy to delve deeper into your limiting beliefs and shift those mindsets positively, as well as employing the technique to transform other areas of your life as desired swapping the negative for positives.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your consultation.

About Tranquil Guide

Ms Tarina Ganger;
CPD Life Coach; CPD Hypnotherapy; USUI Reiki; BA Hons Sociology; Newson Health "Confidence in the Menopause";

Tranquil Guide has always thrived within the coaching sphere, constantly evolving to ignite passion and personal experience. Life's journey has equipped her with a wealth of knowledge and skills, pulled from juggling chronic pain and fatigue, and managing single parenthood, work, and other commitments.

Despite these challenges, Tranquil Guide has always loved her work. Moments of frustration and unfulfillment were seen as intuitive signals to pivot towards more aligned roles. Embracing transitions, she faced her own limiting beliefs and fear of the unknown, ultimately recognising the importance of following one's inner voice for true fulfilment.

Now, Tranquil Guide utilises her life lessons to bring joy and fulfilment to others, helping change mindsets, enabling positive transitions, and opening up new possibilities. Life doesn’t have to be stressful and overwhelming; it’s possible to find tranquillity between work and play while challenging ourselves to grow into the best versions of ourselves.

For proof, check out the testimonials that demonstrate this perfectly.

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joy of mindset in work and life

The Power of Mindset: 6 Ways To Incorporate Positive Change in Work and Personal Life

July 31, 202413 min read

“Achieving work-life balance is a never-ending journey, and your needs will change over time. The key is to make time for what you love and follow your passions relentlessly” -Chris Guillebeau


The concept of mindset has emerged as a powerful tool for driving positive change. So can it  help us in the quest for a balanced and fulfilling life?

Often heralded as an essential ingredient for success, a positive mindset can significantly impact both professional achievements and personal wellbeing. But how does mindset work, and what benefits can it bring to your life? Let’s explore. 

Understanding Mindset

Mindset encompasses the set of beliefs and attitudes that shape how individuals perceive themselves and their world. Renowned psychologist Carol Dweck categorises mindset into two primary types:

Fixed Mindset:

Individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence are unchangeable traits.

Growth Mindset:

Those with a growth mindset believe that they can develop their abilities and intelligence through effort and perseverance.

The Science Behind Mindset

Research shows that a growth mindset can profoundly influence motivation, resilience, and overall success. By fostering the belief that abilities, skill -sets, and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work, individuals with a growth mindset are said to be more likely to tackle challenges head-on and actually find motivation in the learning process.

Adopting a growth mindset allows people to be more open to embracing challenges and persist despite setbacks. This perspective helps them see failures and obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than being huge barriers. They use what others may view as negative to drive them forward rather than stopping them in their tracks. As a result, they become more resilient, learning to adapt and bounce back more effectively when faced with adversity. 

Knowledge gained is used to provide advantage, for example understanding emotions only last for 90 seconds means they know they are in control of what happens after this time. They can choose to stay in that feeling or switch that feeling up. It’s not easy to dial up the negativity to an instant positive mood, but it is possible to dial it to a neutral mood. After all what are emotions, they are chemical processes associated with our subconscious, but by being aware of this we change our biology accordingly. I will however add it is also important to work through emotions, feeling and any attachments or narratives we add to these and this process can take longer than 90 seconds.

Viewing effort as the path to mastery is another key attribute of a growth mindset. When individuals understand that consistent effort is crucial in achieving long-term goals, they are more willing to put in the necessary work. They stay disciplined and maintain their focus. Why?- because they know that achievement is within grasp. After all, it takes 21 days to turn that drive into a habit, so they know all that effort is worthwhile and it will be rewarded. This attitude not only enhances their skills and knowledge but also boosts their overall confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Collectively, these attributes can lead to enhanced professional performance and a more satisfying personal life. Embracing challenges, persisting regardless of setbacks, and valuing hard work ultimately create a foundation for success in various aspects of life, from career advancement to personal development and fulfilment. It also makes you more likeable and you attract the right people into your circle.

We are all drawn to someone with a positive outlook who lives with the intention to thrive. Their energy is infectious and ripples to those around them, increasing the overall positive energy and joy. When we believe anything is possible, we achieve our best, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

6 Benefits of a Positive Mindset

I've split these up into three for professional life and three for your personal life. However all six apply to all aspects of life.

1. Increased Innovation:

Adopting a growth mindset can significantly foster creativity and innovation in the workplace. When individuals believe their abilities can be developed, they are more likely to experiment, take risks, and explore unconventional solutions. This openness to new ideas cultivates an environment where innovative thinking thrives, leading to fresh and diverse perspectives on tackling challenges. This mindset can ripple through the team, enhancing collaboration and accelerating growth, often outpacing similar workplaces where innovation may not be central to the culture.

A positive mindset encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing, both crucial for driving innovation. It fosters team bonding, enabling members to learn from each other's experiences while sharing their own expertise. Such teams are more likely to engage in productive brainstorming sessions and collaborative problem-solving efforts, while having fun with it, so it doesn't seem much like hard work. This collective creativity can result in groundbreaking ideas and improved processes within shorter time frames compared to their counterparts or competition.

Moreover, the resilience that a growth mindset instils helps individuals persevere through setbacks, viewing them as learning experiences rather than failures. This persistence ensures that innovative endeavours continue to evolve, even in the face of obstacles. Team members support each other, lifting one another up rather than pushing each other down, ultimately contributing to sustained success and growth within the organisation.

2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills:

Viewing challenges as learning opportunities can significantly improve problem-solving skills. When individuals approach problems with a growth mindset, they see obstacles not as insurmountable barriers but as chances to learn and grow. These individuals ask empowering questions when faced with barriers, leading to empowering solutions.

A growth mindset encourages people to explore different solutions, think outside the box, analyse various outcomes, and think critically about the best course of action. By changing our mindset, we can view problems and relevant solutions from different angles, flipping the dialogue to uncover multiple possibilities. In this way, problem-solving can become about transforming the problem itself into the solution where possible.

Embracing the learning process helps individuals become more adept at identifying the root causes of problems and devising effective strategies to address them. They are more likely to remain persistent and resourceful, seeking out new information, knowledge, or ideas—even revisiting old theories or strategies to find hidden or overlooked insights. This thorough approach ensures that solutions are well-informed and comprehensive.

Additionally, a positive mindset fosters better decision-making. When individuals are open to learning from their experiences, they can make more informed and thoughtful decisions. They weigh potential risks and benefits with a broader understanding of their options and outcomes, leading to choices that are more likely to yield favourable results in both professional and personal contexts.

Overall, the ability to view challenges as opportunities for growth not only strengthens problem-solving skills but also empowers individuals to make better decisions, paving the way for more successful and rewarding experiences.

3. Improved Job Satisfaction

A growth mindset can significantly elevate job satisfaction by fostering a sense of accomplishment. When individuals adopt a growth mindset, they are more likely to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities to learn and improve. This perspective can lead to a continuous cycle of setting and achieving personal and professional goals, resulting in a consistent feeling of progress instead of feeling stuck. This shift in perspective helps us realise that anything is possible. No obstacle is too big, and so challenges become exciting instead of creating fear.

Moreover, a growth mindset encourages employees to take ownership of their work. They feel more inclined and drawn to improving their skills and competencies. This progression not only boosts their confidence but also reinforces a sense of self-efficacy. When employees see tangible improvements in their abilities and contributions, they naturally feel more satisfied and fulfilled in their roles.

Another key element is the enhanced resilience that comes with a growth mindset. Employees who believe their abilities can evolve are more inclined to persist through setbacks and view failures as temporary rather than permanent. This resilience enables them to stay motivated and engaged, which is crucial for maintaining job satisfaction.

Finally, the sense of community and shared success within a growth-oriented workplace can also improve job satisfaction. When a team collectively values learning and development, it creates a supportive environment where individuals feel valued and connected, as we discussed above in point about innovation. This camaraderie and mutual encouragement can make the workplace a more enjoyable and rewarding place to be.

bridge to mindfulness

4. Greater Resilience

A positive mindset can profoundly enhance resilience in personal life, empowering individuals to bounce back from setbacks with greater ease and maintain emotional stability. When individuals cultivate a positive mindset, they are more likely to approach challenges with an optimistic outlook. This perspective helps them to see setbacks as temporary obstacles rather than insurmountable problems, making it easier for them to recover and move forward.

Moreover, a positive mindset promotes emotional stability by encouraging individuals to manage stress and negative emotions more effectively. By focusing on positive aspects and practising gratitude, individuals can reduce the impact of stressors and maintain a balanced emotional state. This emotional regulation is crucial in navigating difficult times without becoming overwhelmed.

Additionally, a positive mindset fosters a proactive approach to problem-solving. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, individuals with a positive mindset focus on finding solutions and learning from their experiences. This problem-solving attitude not only aids in overcoming current challenges but also builds a stronger foundation for facing future difficulties.

Furthermore, the support systems that often accompany a positive mindset play a vital role in resilience. Positive individuals tend to build and maintain strong, supportive relationships. These connections provide valuable emotional support, encouragement, and practical assistance during tough times, further enhancing their ability to recover from setbacks

5. Enhanced Relationships

Embracing a growth mindset can lead to more empathy and understanding in personal relationships, fostering deeper connections with loved ones. When individuals adopt a growth mindset, they are more likely to view relationships as dynamic and evolving rather than static. This perspective encourages continuous effort and investment in understanding and supporting each other, which is crucial for nurturing strong, lasting bonds.

A growth mindset also enhances empathy by promoting active listening and openness to feedback. Individuals with a growth mindset are more willing to acknowledge their own shortcomings and seek to understand their loved ones' perspectives. This openness can lead to richer, more meaningful interactions, as both parties feel heard and valued.

Moreover, a growth mindset allows for greater patience and tolerance in relationships. Understanding that personal and relational growth is a continuous process helps individuals become more forgiving of mistakes and more supportive during times of personal struggle. This patience fosters an environment where both individuals can thrive and grow together without fear of judgement or rejection.

In addition, a growth mindset encourages personal accountability and self-improvement. When individuals aim to better themselves continuously, they bring their best selves to their relationships. This proactive approach can lead to healthier and more fulfilling interactions, as each person strives to contribute positively to the relationship.

Finally, the practice of viewing challenges in relationships as opportunities for growth can transform the way conflicts are handled. Instead of seeing disagreements as threats, those with a growth mindset approach them as opportunities to understand each other better and enhance their bond. This perspective can lead to more constructive resolutions and a deeper, more resilient connection.

6. Personal Fulfilment

By continuously striving for growth, individuals can achieve a greater sense of personal fulfilment and happiness. This pursuit of self-improvement leads to a deeper understanding of one's abilities and potential, allowing people to set and accomplish more meaningful goals. When you actively seek growth, each step forward becomes a victory, providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting self-esteem.

Additionally, the journey of growth often involves overcoming challenges and learning new skills, which can be incredibly rewarding. These experiences build resilience and adaptability, enabling you to tackle future obstacles with more confidence and a positive outlook. Embracing this dynamic process of self-betterment fosters a more enriched and satisfying life.

Moreover, striving for personal growth encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone, opening doors to new opportunities and experiences. This broadens your perspectives and enhances your ability to appreciate the world around you. The continuous expansion of your horizons brings a profound sense of purpose and direction, amplifying your overall happiness and satisfaction.

In sum, the consistent effort to improve oneself not only enhances personal capabilities but also cultivates a fulfilling and joyous existence. The pursuit of growth becomes a journey of self-discovery, propelling you towards a life of continual achievement and happiness.

Common Mindset Practices

1. Positive Self-Talk

Engaging in positive self-talk involves using affirming language, including affirmations, to encourage and motivate oneself. This practice can shift perspectives from a fixed to a growth mindset.

2. Setting Learning Goals

Focusing on learning and development rather than just outcomes encourages ongoing personal and professional growth.

3. Embracing Challenges

Viewing challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles can empower individuals to develop new skills and knowledge.

Real-Life Impact of Mindset

Case Study: Personal and Professional Transformation

Consider Emma, a marketing professional and a mother of two, who felt stuck in both her career and personal life. By adopting a growth mindset—incorporating positive self-talk, setting learning goals, and embracing challenges—she noticed significant improvements. Emma experienced increased job satisfaction and performance at work, while also enjoying stronger relationships and greater resilience in her personal life.

How to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

1. Recognize Fixed Mindset Triggers:

Identify situations where you tend to adopt a fixed mindset and consciously challenge those beliefs.

2. Adopt a Learning Attitude:

Approach every situation with the intention to learn and grow, irrespective of the outcome.

3. Seek Constructive Feedback:

Welcome feedback as a valuable resource for growth and improvement.

4. Celebrate Effort and Progress:

Acknowledge and celebrate your efforts and progress, no matter how small, to reinforce a growth mindset.


The power of mindset should not be underestimated. By fostering a positive and growth-oriented mindset, individuals can drive meaningful changes in both their work and personal lives. Cultivating such a mindset promotes resilience, innovation, improved relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Begin today, and witness the transformative impact of a positive mindset on your journey to a balanced and fulfilling life. I’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have. What resonates with you from this blog, and what are you eager to try next?

If you're interested in finding out more about gaining work-life harmony, sign up to access my free quick resource guide for handy apps and other assistance in navigating this journey. Looking for more helpful tips and insights? Be sure to check out my other blog posts for additional guidance and inspiration.

For insights on embodiment, check out my blog, "Demystifying Embodiment: A Quick Guide". Looking for more helpful tips and insights? Be sure to check out my other blog posts for additional guidance and inspiration.

I’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have. What resonates with you from this blog, and what are you eager to try next?

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Tranquil Guide

Spiritual Coach empowering overwhelmed professionals find calm in their work and personal life. Improving the quality of professional performance and enriching personal life without the juggle of stress.

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