Spiritual Coaching:

For Overworked Professionals

Are you an overworked professionals aged 35 or older?

Feeling overwhelmed with the constant juggle of balancing work and personal

life demands?

Want to transform stress and dissatisfaction into purpose and fulfilment?

Looking to incorporate the calm and tranquillity that a spiritual lifestyle can


If you answered yes to any of these questions, Tranquil Guide is the service for you. Offering a unique blend of spiritual, mindfulness, and embodiment techniques—including Reiki, crystal healing, meditation, breathwork, and hypnotherapy—to help you reconnect with harmony and discover your deeper purpose. Each package is bespoke, to address your unique challenges and

goals. Integrating intuitive techniques with practical strategies, enhancing not only your professional performance but also enriching your personal life for a more holistic and fulfilling overall experience.

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Explore our “Services” and “Testimonials” sections.

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Let Tranquil Guide transform your stress and dissatisfaction into harmony, fulfillment, and joy. Interested in a Free Guide click the button below to start cultivating this life now.

What Does The Service Include?

Spiritual Techniques For Stress Reduction

A unique blend of coaching, mindfulness, embodiment and stress reduction strategies achieving mental clarity for improved overall well-being for your personal and professional life. Saying goodbye to overwhelm or stress and letting in calm and fulfilment.

Additional information in services section.


Reiki, meditation, breathwork and other useful spiritual practices for individuals looking to bring more harmony into everyday life. Enhancing clarity and providing spiritual insight to assist with personal and professional empowerment and growth.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your


Utilising the science of hypnotherapy to delve deeper into your limiting beliefs and shift those mindsets positively, as well as employing the technique to transform other areas of your life as desired swapping the negative for positives.

Additional information in the services section. This service can be requested as a stand alone service, just ask during your consultation.

About Tranquil Guide

Ms Tarina Ganger;
CPD Life Coach; CPD Hypnotherapy; USUI Reiki; BA Hons Sociology; Newson Health "Confidence in the Menopause";

Tranquil Guide has always thrived within the coaching sphere, constantly evolving to ignite passion and personal experience. Life's journey has equipped her with a wealth of knowledge and skills, pulled from juggling chronic pain and fatigue, and managing single parenthood, work, and other commitments.

Despite these challenges, Tranquil Guide has always loved her work. Moments of frustration and unfulfillment were seen as intuitive signals to pivot towards more aligned roles. Embracing transitions, she faced her own limiting beliefs and fear of the unknown, ultimately recognising the importance of following one's inner voice for true fulfilment.

Now, Tranquil Guide utilises her life lessons to bring joy and fulfilment to others, helping change mindsets, enabling positive transitions, and opening up new possibilities. Life doesn’t have to be stressful and overwhelming; it’s possible to find tranquillity between work and play while challenging ourselves to grow into the best versions of ourselves.

For proof, check out the testimonials that demonstrate this perfectly.

Consultation Bookings

Please use the calendar to book your virtual Discovery Call. If the availability does not meet your needs please get in touch using the button below or the contact form above stating when would be a suitable time. Out of Hours appointments are available upon request. Thank you.

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Organised Workspace

Crush Mental Load: Unlock Work-Life Harmony Today

August 28, 20249 min read

What is Mental Load?

Mental load, often referred to as the invisible labour or cognitive load, is the mental energy required to manage one's responsibilities. It encompasses everything from remembering household tasks to planning work projects, often leading to feelings of overwhelm and stress. Unlike physical tasks, mental load isn't easily visible, which can make it harder to recognise and address.

The Impact of Mental Load

  • Increased Stress

Constantly juggling tasks and responsibilities can lead to significant stress, affecting both mental and physical health. When you are perpetually managing work deadlines, household chores, family needs, and other commitments, your mind is in a constant state of overdrive. This heightened state of alertness can trigger the body's stress response, leading to elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Over time, sustaining these high cortisol levels can contribute to a variety of health issues, such as hypertension, weakened immune function, and chronic fatigue. Mentally, this constant stress can result in anxiety, depression, and burnout, making it challenging to stay focused and effective in both personal and professional spheres.

In addition, the mental load of keeping track of numerous responsibilities can lead to decision fatigue, where making even simple choices feels overwhelming. This pervasive stress not only diminishes your overall well-being but can also hinder your ability to enjoy life’s moments, impacting your relationships and reducing overall life satisfaction.

  • Decreased Productivity

When your brain is overloaded with multiple responsibilities, it's challenging to focus effectively, resulting in lower productivity and efficiency. The human brain has a limited capacity for processing information and maintaining attention, and when stretched too thin, it often falls short in managing tasks efficiently. Cognitive overload can lead to frequent interruptions in your thought processes, making it difficult to concentrate on any single task for an extended period.

This constant shifting between tasks, known as "task-switching," can significantly reduce the quality of your work and increase the time it takes to complete each task. Moreover, the mental burden of juggling various responsibilities can contribute to forgetfulness, increased error rates, and difficulty in prioritising tasks, further diminishing productivity.

Additionally, the stress and anxiety that accompany an overloaded brain can sap your motivation and energy levels, making it harder to tackle even straightforward tasks. The cumulative result is a cycle of decreased efficiency where the inability to focus leads to incomplete tasks, which in turn amplifies stress and perpetuates a decline in productivity.

  • Impaired Relationships

The burden of mental load can strain personal and professional relationships, as it often leads to frustration and burnout. When you are constantly juggling numerous responsibilities and tasks, it's easy to become overwhelmed, which can manifest as irritability and impatience. This state of constant mental burden makes it difficult to be fully present with others, leading to misunderstandings and feelings of neglect among loved ones and colleagues.

On a personal level, the stress and exhaustion from carrying a heavy mental load can diminish the time and energy you have available for meaningful interactions with family and friends. This lack of engagement can erode emotional connections and create a sense of isolation or resentment both for you and those around you. Family members and friends may feel undervalued or unimportant, which can further strain these relationships.

In professional settings, the inability to manage mental load effectively can lead to communication breakdowns and decreased collaboration. The frustration and burnout resulting from an overburdened mind can also impact your demeanour, making you less approachable and supportive as a colleague or leader. This can cause tension within teams, reduce morale, and impair overall workplace harmony.

  • Blocked Energetic Field

Living with a high mental load can block your energetic field, creating a ripple effect that impacts your health, relationships, and various life areas. This blockage can limit your ability to connect with your inner self, manifest positivity, and maintain overall well-being. When the energetic flow is obstructed, it often results in feelings of stagnation, fatigue, and emotional imbalance, further exacerbating stress and reducing your capacity to experience joy and fulfillment. Addressing these blocks is essential for cultivating a harmonious and vibrant life.

How do I know? Because I suffered from it. This mental load played a huge contributing factor to my health, leading to Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. By addressing and beginning to alleviate these blocks, I have learned firsthand how crucial it is to maintain a free-flowing energetic field for overall health and happiness.


Strategies to Overcome Mental Load

1. Prioritise and Delegate

Prioritisation: List your tasks and determine their importance and urgency. Focus on critical and time-sensitive tasks first.

Delegation: Share responsibilities with others, whether at home or work. Trusting others to manage certain tasks can significantly lighten your load. Worried about putting this into practice? Don't be—I've got some "ick-free" tips coming up just for you to make it easy and stress-free.

2. Establish Clear Boundaries

Setting Boundaries: Define clear boundaries between work and personal time. Avoid letting work tasks spill into your personal time and vice versa.

Communicate Boundaries: Let colleagues and family members know your boundaries to ensure they respect your time and space. Again don't worry—I've got some "ick-free" tips coming up.

3. Utilise Tools and Technology

Task Management Apps: Utilise apps like Trello, Asana, or Todoist to organise tasks and deadlines. Digital Calendars: Sync calendars to schedule reminders for important tasks, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. If you haven't already access my free resource guide for more handy tips.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness meditation or breathing exercises to calm the mind and reduce stress.

Stay Present: Focus on one task at a time to avoid the overwhelm of multitasking.

5. Regularly Review and Adjust

Weekly Reviews: Take time at the end of each week to review your progress and adjust your plans for the upcoming week.

Flexibility: Be adaptable with your schedule to accommodate unexpected changes without becoming overly stressed.

Tips for Efficiently Delegating Without the "Ick Factor"

  • Clarify Tasks and Outcomes:

    Clearly define the tasks you need to delegate and the expected outcomes. Providing this clarity helps both you and the person taking on the task understand what is required and ensures the work aligns with your expectations.

  • Select the Right Person:

    Choose someone whose skills and strengths match the task at hand. Delegating to the right person increases the likelihood of the task being completed effectively and reduces any feelings of doubt.

  • Communicate Openly:

    Have an open conversation about the task. Express your confidence in their abilities and explain why you chose them for this task, which can help them feel valued and capable.

  • Offer Support, Not Micromanagement:

    Make yourself available for questions and guidance, but avoid hovering or micromanaging. Trust in their ability to complete the task and provide them with the autonomy to do so.

  • Provide Necessary Resources:

    Ensure they have access to all the tools, resources, and information they need to successfully complete the task. This sets them up for success and demonstrates your support.

  • Set Clear Deadlines:

    Agree on realistic deadlines that work for both of you. Clear timeframes help manage expectations and keep everyone accountable without unnecessary pressure.

  • Give and Receive Feedback:

    After the task is completed, provide constructive feedback and be open to receiving feedback as well. This exchange helps improve future delegating experiences and builds stronger working relationships.

  • Acknowledge and Appreciate:

    Recognise the efforts and successes of the person you delegated to. Acknowledgment and appreciation go a long way in fostering a positive and collaborative environment.

Tips for Communicating Boundaries Without the "Ick Factor"

  • Be Clear and Direct:

    When setting a boundary, be clear and direct about your needs and why they are important. Avoid vague language so your intentions are easily understood.

  • Use "I" Statements:

    Frame your boundary by focusing on your feelings and needs, using "I" statements. For example, "I need some quiet time after work to recharge," instead of "You always disturb me."

  • Keep It Positive:

    Express your boundaries in a positive light. Instead of saying, "Don't call me late at night," try, "I appreciate calls, and I’m available until 9 PM."

  • Practise Active Listening:

    Encourage a two-way conversation by listening to the other person's perspective. This shows that you value their feelings and helps to reach a mutual understanding.

  • Stay Calm and Composed:

    Maintain a calm and composed demeanour when communicating boundaries. This helps to avoid emotional escalation and keeps the conversation constructive.

  • Be Consistent:

    Consistently uphold your boundaries once set. Consistency reinforces your commitment and helps others to respect your boundaries over time.

  • Respect Theirs Too:

    Just as you expect others to respect your boundaries, show respect for theirs. This mutual respect creates a balanced and harmonious relationship.

  • Use Empathy:

    Show empathy when explaining your boundaries. Acknowledging the impact of your boundary on the other person can make the conversation feel more compassionate and understanding.

  • Seek Win-Win Solutions:

    Whenever possible, aim for solutions that respect both your boundaries and the needs of the other person. Collaborate to find compromises that work for both parties.

  • Offer Assurance:

    Reassure them that setting boundaries doesn’t mean you value them any less. It’s a way to maintain healthy relationships and personal well-being.

Achieving Work-Life Harmony

By effectively managing and reducing mental load, you can achieve a healthier balance between your professional and personal life. Implementing these strategies enables you to focus better, reduce stress, and nurture relationships, all of which are key to living your best life.


Mental load is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of achieving work-life harmony. The constant cognitive demands can block your energetic field, leading to a cascade of negative effects on your health, relationships, and overall life quality. By recognizing its impact and employing strategies to manage it, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Start by prioritising, setting boundaries, utilising technology, practising mindfulness, and regularly reviewing your progress. Over time, you'll find yourself more energised, focused, and at peace.

I’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have. What resonates with you from this blog, and what are you eager to try next?

For more insights into work-life harmony, check out my other blogs. If you want 1-2-1 support, use my booking calendar to book a discovery call and begin your journey to tranquillity.

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Tranquil Guide

Spiritual Coach empowering overwhelmed professionals find calm in their work and personal life. Improving the quality of professional performance and enriching personal life without the juggle of stress.

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